Category: Relaxation

thai massage

The Complete Guide to Massages in Phuket

Updated on 03/08/2018 Kneading, stretching, pulling, rubbing or nibbling? (We’re referring to letting tons of little doctor fishes nibble away at your skin.) Massage and spa treatments abound in Phuket. But how do you choose when you’ve got so many…

meditation retreat

Going Om: Yoga and Meditation Retreats around Phuket

Want to deepen your meditation practice? Keen on giving your muscles a really good stretch through an intensive yoga retreat? In the mood for veggie-healthy meals? Or you’d like to have a combination of all of the above? Each and every…

romantic dinner

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Phuket: Spa and Dinner Treats

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Phuket? There’re only two rules you’ll need to abide by. Number one – don’t forget to indulge in the mandatory spa treatment. And two, round out the night with a delicious feast for two… Relax and…

Get Stretchy: 5 Yoga Studios in Phuket

Can’t do without your regular session of yoga? Whether you like it hot, enjoy sessions filled with dynamic and progressive movements, prefer a good, deep stretch, or want to try out a basic Hatha class, the wide variety of yoga classes…

Massage Treatments

Pampered in Phuket: 10 Best Spa Massages on the Island

Updated on 20/07/2018 Is your body in need of some tender, loving care? Go ahead and indulge in a rejuvenating spa treatment; the rhytmic kneads, aromatic scents and luxe treatments do wonders for the body and mind. From wellness centers to…